Year B
Autumn 1 2024
Getting to know your child
When your child enters Reception, it is good practice for teachers to undertake a series of ‘on entry’ observations known as Baseline. Practitioners will observe their play as well as carrying out simple tasks with them to gather information to assess their level of development for each area of learning. The information gained supports educators in fully meeting the needs of each child, highlighting both their strengths and areas for development.
Year A
Summer 2 - Traditional Tales
Summer 1 - Growing
Spring 2 - In the past: footprints and fossils
Spring 1 - Polar Animals
Autumn 2 - The leaf Thief (weeks 1-3)
Year B
Summer 1
Spring 2
Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser
Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser
Getting to know your child
When your child enters Reception, it is good practice for teachers to undertake a series of ‘on entry’ observations known as Baseline. Practitioners will observe their play as well as carrying out simple tasks with them to gather information to assess their level of development for each area of learning. The information gained supports educators in fully meeting the needs of each child, highlighting both their strengths and areas for development.