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At Willowbank, we have classes that consist of mixed age groups and therefore follow a 2-year rolling programme. As part of this rolling programme, children in year 3/4 and 5/6 are taught the key knowledge, skills and understanding relating to PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) within their mixed age group classes.


The Department for Education recommends that children of different genders should be taught together as this has been shown to have a positive impact on pupils. Children taught in this way, show increased empathy and understanding towards each other (healthy relationships). At Willowbank we feel that teaching children within their mixed age group classes ensures that children are given the correct, age appropriate information from trusted adults in school. Avoiding segregation between year groups also supports positive relationships, empathy and understanding. It reduces the likelihood of children feeling anxious as their friends talk about their own experiences and what they have been taught in class. Children feeling comfortable in talking about their bodies and understanding that their body belongs to them is an important element of our protective behaviours.  We feel that this is vital for children to be able to make informed and safe decisions which enables them to be happy and healthy citizens.


As a school we use the PSHE Association planning guidance as well as other quality assured resources to support planning. Following guidance from the PSHE Association, “Schools should tailor their programme to the needs of pupils and communities in order to be effective. There is no effective ‘one-size-fits-all’ or ‘off the shelf’ solution”, we appreciate that the teaching of PSHE and RSE is different from other curriculum subjects due to the sensitivity of the content.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Policy

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Frequently Asked Questions
