Our Internal Social, Emotional and Mental Health Learning Base
Implemented in September 2022, The Willow Branch is a Learning Base, specifically designed to meet the needs of learners with social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs. The Learning Base is a supportive provision designed to better meet the needs of individual pupils who require a bespoke timetable of provision in order to be successful. The overarching aim of the base is to increase the amount of time pupils spend in school whilst reducing the number of suspensions.
The Targeted Support Team
The following members of staff, including home class teachers, play a vital role in ensuring a team around the family approach to ensuring the best possible outcomes for children accessing the Learning Base.
Miss Jay is our Head of Inclusion
Mrs Stephens is our Family Support Advisor
For more information about The Willow Branch, please contact Miss Gibbs - kelly.gibbs@firstfederation.org.uk