Hello and welcome to the Willowbank Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Mrs Kyte, Mrs Staples and Mrs Davies are the Tadpoles and Caterpillars teachers, supported by our wonderful TAs Mrs Blackmore and Miss Young. We would love to show you around the EYFS unit here at Willowbank, if you would like to book a visit, please contact the office to arrange. Thank you
We understand that choosing the right school for your child is one of the biggest decisions any parent or carer will make.
We are committed to ensuring your child has a smooth transition into our school community, we work closely with your child's preschool to help us fulfil this.
There are lots of ways you can contact us:
Ring us on 01884 33473, or
Contact us via email on admin@willowbank.devon.sch.uk or by using the 'Contact us' form on our website.
Details on how to apply can be found under the 'How to apply' section.
All applications are handled by Devon County Council’s School Admissions Team.
They can be contacted on:
Phone: 0345 155 1019
Email: admissions@devon.gov.uk
Website: http://www.devon.gov.uk/admissions