Lunchtimes at Willowbank
Lunchtime is an opportunity for the children to socialise with other children from different classes, play and be physical active.
Caterpillars and Tadpoles – 11:45-12:45
Bats and Dragonflies - 11.45-12.45
Squirrels and Hedgehogs - 12:00-1:00
Deer, Foxes and Owls – 12:15-1:15
Behaviour expectations
We value a fair, consistent approach to behaviour which helps to ensure the children have a safe and enjoyable time when they are out on the playground. In line with our school behaviour policy, we have created clear behaviour expectations during playtimes.
As part of our PSHE sessions, the children discussed the importance of following these expectations. Collectively, we have established both positive and negative consequences for these expectations. If a child follow these expectations, their behaviour will be rewarded with a positive consequence. However, if a child does not follow these expectations, there will be negative consequence.
Eating in the hall
Children eat their packed lunch or school dinner in the school hall. If they have ordered a school dinner, they can choose their pudding choice and a selection of salad from the salad bar.
On the playground
We have a selection of activities/zones on the playground for the children to enjoy. These activities have been selected by the children and will continue to evolve, develop and change according to the children's interests.