Here at Willowbank Primary School, our core purpose and mission is to work together, using our collective strengths, to provide the best possible education for all.
Our vision is for all children to aspire, flourish and achieve within the heart of their community.
School Values and Vision
As part of the First Federation Trust, we strongly believe at Willowbank that through working together, we can provide the best possible education for all. We strive to provide children with the opportunities that will prepare them for a rapidly changing world by equipping them with a local, national and global perspective and with an understanding and respect for both our school core values and British Values. These opportunities are planned within our curriculum and beyond with the aim of each child developing a positive sense of self and an understanding of the unique contribution they can make as future citizens.
Collaboration within and across schools, remain at the heart of providing high quality learning experiences for every child. At Willowbank, our core purpose and mission is to work together, using our collective strengths and to provide the best possible education for all. Our vision at Willowbank is aligned to that of the First Federation Trust, where every individual will aspire, flourish and achieve in the heart of their community.
Whilst collaboration remains at the heart of the First Federation Trust, it is recognised and appreciated that each school has its own identity and uniqueness which reflects its community in terms of people and locality. Therefore, our school core values have been created collaboratively, considering the views of the pupils, staff, parents and carers. This focused on what skills, knowledge, characteristics, attributes and aspirations they have for themselves and our children at Willowbank. We appreciate that it is vital for all members of our school community to contribute to this process as it gives a further feeling of community and sense of belonging. By being an important part of designing our school values gives individuals within our school community a detailed understanding of their relevance and ownership over them.
Our school core values were recently revised (2023) as we firmly believe that it is good practice to update the values that we uphold as our school progresses, changes and develops. By doing this, we can ensure they set the tone for the ethos and culture of our school and promote its message. Updating school core values also supports and offers guidance for staying healthy, safe and prepared for life – and work – in modern Britain. When embedded and part of school practice and daily routines, school core values can assist children to achieve their potential.
Willowbank Core Values
At Willowbank, we believe:
- that every individual has the right to feel and believe they belong as part of our community.
- that every individual has the right to be taught a curriculum and given wider opportunities that enables them to thrive.
- that every individual should have an understanding that every individual deserves kindness
- that every individual has the right to feel safe
Our visions and values at Willowbank are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our children to become confident, happy citizens who are able to make safe and healthy connections in society.
To embed the visions and values with our school staff and children the following is provided:
- A behaviour policy which is relevant in the daily life of the school.
- Whole class ‘stars in the jar’ to promote the core school values and facilitate a shared sense of responsibility.
- Core Value assemblies where demonstrating the core school values is celebrated.
- Weekly Personal Development taught sessions which provide local, national and world-wide context to our school visions and values.
- Play Project afternoons that provide opportunities for children and their parents or carers to explore visions and values creatively.
- The core values are displayed regularly throughout the school.
- Each class’ charter is created through making links with the core values and vision.
To fulfil our vision and values, we make the following pledges to our community:
- Children will enjoy a broad curriculum with a range of opportunities, including trips (our curriculum offer) and learning through play (Play Projects).
- All children will have equal opportunities to succeed.
- Children will understand how to stay safe in the real world and online.
- All children will contribute to their class charters and be part of their review process throughout the year.
- Everyone will have opportunities to attend community events and contribute to the local community.
- All children will be taught by a Forest School practitioner and learn outdoors, contributing to the school’s environment.
- Children will learn life skills such as cooking, growing food, swimming and looking after finances.
- Children will be listened to by adults and treated with kindness and consideration.
- Everyone will play a range of sports and exercise regularly.
- Everyone will develop awareness of mental health and social and emotional needs.
- All children will understand the connection between physical health and mental health.
- Children will have the opportunity to share their learning with parents and carers.
- All staff and children will feel valued and respected: their successes will be celebrated and they will feel proud.
Core Values Progression
Through our experiences and the support and encouragement we receive from those around us, we develop the personal attributes connected to our values. Our values shape the way that we respond to the world around us, support us in developing a positive outlook as well as thinking about others.
What helps us to develop our core values is unique to each of us. In order to motivate, encourage and celebrate each individual’s journey, we have created progression grids relating to our core values. This enables each individual to be successful by recognising the attributes that they have already acquired and identifies how to support and further develop – their next steps.
The progression grids share how individuals may develop the attributes connected to our core values whilst also appreciating that we are all unique. We recognise that the values complement each other.