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Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) means a children/young people has severe difficulties in managing their emotions and behaviour.

They often show inappropriate responses and feelings to situations.  They may have trouble in building and maintaining relationships with peers and adults; they can also struggle to engage with learning and to cope in classroom without additional strategies and interventions. Children with SEMH will often feel anxious, scared and misunderstood.

Typical characteristics of children with SEMH can include:-

  • Disruptive, antisocial and uncooperative behaviour

  • Temper tantrums

  • Frustration, anger and verbal and physical threats / aggression

  • Withdrawn and depressed attitudes

  • Anxiety and self-harm

  • Stealing

  • Truancy

  • Vandalism
