Friday 5th March
Here is your Friday Home Learning!
On Monday we will be welcoming your child back to school and we hope that they are as excited and happy as Mrs Davies and Mrs Kyte. We understand for some it could be an overwhelming experience and we will support and nurture your child through their return and the process of them settling back into their school routine. Today we have incorporated another 'return to school activity' within the curriculum learning to assist them.
Well done mummies, daddies and grandparents for the amazing support you have given your child during this period. The skills, knowledge and understanding that you have taught them have created stepping stones along their learning journey. Thank you!
Daily Outline for Caterpillars and Tadpoles
Additional Guidance
2 o'clock activity
Thursday 4th March
World Book Day!
Today we have our Move and Choose book share for our morning welcome and the link to these are on our daily outline. You can decide between Miss Gibbs’ and Mrs Isaac’s book – the choice is yours! Mrs Davies will then teach the live sessions of Maths and Phonics to all children after Move and Choose until 10.10am. We have decided to gather all children for these sessions so that you have enough time to celebrate World Book Day with your child. If you have children in other classes, you may notice that our daily outline is a little different. This is because we wanted to make sure that there was a balance of screen and non-screen time as well as ensuring that your child’s experiences of books is age appropriate. If you have children in other year groups, you are welcome to adapt the outline and timetable to suit your family. For Friday’s assembly with Mrs Davies’, we will be inviting your child to share their books which they placed in the window today.
For your Maths session, Mrs Davies would like you to bring some playdough and small plastic toy animals. An alternative to small toy animals would be to bring a piece of paper and a pencil.
Daily Outline for Tadpoles and Caterpillars
Additional Guidance
Wednesday 3rd March
Welcome to Wednesday's learning. Have a fabulous day Tadpoles and Caterpillars!
Daily Outlines for Tadpoles and Caterpillars
Additional Guidance
Tuesday 2nd March
Good morning and welcome to Tuesday! This morning we are back to our live sessions and Mrs Kyte would like you to bring a whiteboard and pen or some pencils and paper with you to the Maths and Phonics.
Daily Outline for Caterpillars and Tadpoles
Additional Guidance
Monday 1st March
Good morning and welcome to another day of learning. Mrs Davies is on a course today and so our Phonics and Maths sessions are pre recorded. The links for these are placed within our daily guidance. UPDATE: We are aware of Mrs Davies' pre-recorded session not being able to be accessed. Please use the activities in addition guidance to continue your child's Maths Home Learning.
On Tuesday and Friday our curriculum activities will focus on preparing your child for their return to school. In addition to this, to support your child with understanding and feeling happy about coming to school, we have written a social story. Social Stories are a social learning tool that supports the safe and meaningful exchange of information between a variety of adults and children of all ages. The social story we have created will allow you to add detail and explain to your child feelings and thoughts specifically relating to them. Social stories should be shared little and often and not just when your child may feel nervous or worried—social stories are positive learning tools.
Social Story for returning to school
Daily Outline for Caterpillars and Tadpoles
Additional Guidance
Friday 26th February
Well done Tadpoles and Caterpillars on another fabulous week of learning. Miss Gibbs, our Physical Education subject lead, is very excited to see how successful you are at the challenges set by Devon Cricket so please don't forget to email your photographs of these to Mrs Davies or Mrs Kyte.
On Monday our sessions will be pre-recorded as Mrs Davies is attending a course. The links for these sessions will be on our daily outline. Have a wonderful weekend.
Daily Outline for Tadpoles and Caterpillars
Additional Guidance
2 o'clock activities for the week
sound cards and sound mats
Thursday 25th February
Good morning and Welcome to Thursday’s Home Learning. We have attached below a set of active challenges from Devon Cricket for you to participate it. Try these throughout this week and next to see if you can improve on your target throwing, claps before a catch and runs between wickets! Good Luck and have fun!
Daily Outline for Caterpillars and Tadpoles
Additional Guidance
Wednesday 24th February
Good Morning and welcome to Wednesday's Wonderful Work! For our live sessions, please can you bring a collection of objects so that we can continue to practically 'take away' and also a pencil and some paper or a whiteboard to write on.
Daily Outline for Caterpillars and Tadpoles
Additional Guidance
Tuesday 23rd February
Wow we had a fabulous Ethos Day yesterday. Mrs Davies and Mrs Kyte were amazed at the work that you created and the ideas behind your pieces. It was a lovely way to settle back into routine after the half term break. Today we are looking forward to our Phonics, Maths and other areas of the curriculum. Remember to bring your 5 cakes/biscuits and playdough with you to Maths today. Things to write with are also needed for Phonics. Have a great Tuesday Caterpillars and Tadpoles!
Daily Outline for Tadpoles and Caterpillars
Additional Guidance
Monday 22nd February - Ethos Day
Welcome back after our half term break to our fabulous Tadpole and Caterpillar Home Learners (and their grown ups!). Today our outline of activities is different than it normally is because will will be participating in an Ethos Day with the rest of the school and schools within our Trust. This will start with our assembly with Mrs Hillson and a follow up session with Mrs Davies straight after (please log in to this using the usual Monday link). You will then be able to explore and participate in a variety of activities before we meet again at 2.30 to share our learning. For each activity you are able to gain a particular number of stars for our "Stars in a Jar". We will be asking your grown up to type in the conversation box during this session how many stars you have collected by completing the different activities set.
Daily Outline for Tadpoles and Caterpillars
Activity Guidance
Friday 12th February
Good morning. Have a wonderful day of learning. Please have a restful half term and we look forward to catching up with you all after half term.
Daily Outline for Caterpillars and Tadpoles
Additional Guidance
2 o'clock Activity Menu
Thursday 11th February
Good morning and welcome to Thursday's home learning activities. Today Mrs Davies and Mrs Kyte are looking forward to being sent your maths learning by the grown ups helping you. Have a fabulous day everyone!
Daily Outlines for Caterpillars and Tadpoles
Additional Guidance
Wednesday 10th February
Good morning and welcome to Wednesday's day of learning. After our assembly with Mrs Kyte, our sessions will be pre-recorded. Our exciting virtual author visit with Sophie Anderson will be live and the link is on our daily outline.
Below you will find a link to the Exeter City Primary Stars for a Physical Education session.
Daily Outline for Caterpillars and Tadpoles
Additional Guidance
Tuesday 9th February
Good morning. Today we would like you to collect a set of 12 objects. They can be of the same sort or a collection of different objects. Please remember if your child has any questions for our visiting author, Sophie Anderson, please email them to your child's class teacher.
Today is Internet Safety Day and so our activities today will be exploring keeping safe online. We feel that with children spending more time online during Home Learning this is an area we want to dedicate time to this week, building upon previous learning.
Daily Outlines for Caterpillars and Dragonflies
Additional Guidance
Monday 8th February
This week we have the author of The Castle of Tangled Magic joining us on Wednesday 10th February, 9.30-10.30. The first part (9.30-10) will be Sophie Anderson talking about the book and second half (10-10.30) will be Sophie answering questions from children. This part of the visit will be run by Mrs Sullivan. If your child would like to ask Sophie Anderson a question, please can you email it to your child's teacher before the end of the school day on Tuesday. Due to the visit ,Mrs Davies and Mrs Kyte will prerecord Phonics and Maths so that it can be watched anytime during the day.
Daily Outline for Caterpillars and Dragonflies
Additional Guidance
Friday 5th February
Good morning and welcome to Friday's learning.
Daily Outline for Tadpoles and Caterpillars
Additional Guidance
2 o'clock activity menu
Additional Resources
Thursday 4th February
Have a wonderful day of learning.
Daily Outline for Tadpoles and Caterpillars
Additional Guidance
Wednesday 3rd February
Good morning! For today's maths session you will need 8 coins. It does not matter the value of each coin but it is preferable if they are all of the same value. This morning we have our Willowbank Move and Choose session with either Mrs Hillson or Mrs Staples. The links are on our daily outlines and the choice is yours!
Daily Outline for Caterpillars and Tadpoles
Additional Guidance
Tuesday 2nd February
Good morning, Mrs Davies and Mrs Kyte have pre-recorded sessions for today and so we hope that you enjoy them. Have a fun day of learning. See you tomorrow!
Daily Outline for Caterpillars and Tadpoles
Additional Guidance
Monday 1st February
Good morning and welcome to another week of learning. We would like to give you advance notice of tomorrow's phonic and maths live sessions. Mrs Kyte is attending a course and so will be unable to present the sessions. Mrs Davies and Mrs Kyte have pre-recorded sessions for tomorrow morning. The links for these will be on Tuesday's Daily Outline.
The morning welcome will continue to take place from 9-9.10.
Caterpillar and Dragonflies Daily Outlines
Additional Guidance
Friday 29th January
Good morning and welcome to another exciting day of learning.
Caterpillar and Tadpole Daily Outlines
Additional Guidance
2 o'clock activity menu
Continuous Resources
Thursday 28th January
On Friday, to finish our unit on pattern we will be exploring making different patterns with fruit. The outcome will be to create patterned fruit kebabs for your family (this could be a nice desert). We are giving advance notice so that you can add some extra fruit to your grocery order but we do not expect you to make a special trip to the shops. This activity does not need to be completed on Friday if you do not have the ingredients. You could plan with your child the fruit they may want to use and have time to practise using objects of similar colours until you have the items of fruit you need. We would suggest 3 different fruits to allow an opportunity to explore different combinations. (Skewers are not essential as a pattern can be presented on a plate)
Caterpillar and Tadpole Daily Outlines
Additional Guidance
Wednesday 27th January
Good morning to our fabulous Tadpoles and Caterpillars. We have really enjoyed receiving your label and caption writing linked to the phonics work from yesterday. Look out for the star on today's work to find out what we would like you to share with us.
We are excited to share with you another Exeter City Primary Stars Physical Education film for you to participate in. The film is around 20 minutes long. you can complete the whole session at once or use it a short section at a time to help with movement breaks if it becomes a little tricky to concentrate. Please click the link below:
Daily Outlines for Caterpillars and Tadpoles
Additional Guidance
Tuesday 26th January
Welcome to Tuesday's learning. Thank you for bringing items of different colours to our live learning Maths session yesterday. We are planning to think about size and colour today so please have a little look around and see if there is anything that you have at home to create these patterns.
Daily Outlines for Caterpillars and Tadpoles
Additional Guidance
Monday 25th January
Good morning and welcome to a new week of learning. Mrs Davies would like children to bring some coloured items from around the house for Maths this week. You could collect 6 bricks of 3 different colours or sets of any objects which are different colours (carrots, peas, coins).
Daily Outlines for Caterpillars and Dragonflies
Additional Guidance
Friday 22nd January
Good morning and welcome to Friday's learning. Mrs Davies and Mrs Kyte have been really impressed with the children's engagement and participation during the live sessions - well done Tadpoles and Caterpillars!
A huge thank you to mummies and daddies who have been fantastic. Have a great day of learning and have a fun weekend.
Daily Outlines for Caterpillars and Dragonflies
Additional Guidance
2 o'clock activity menu
Thursday 21st January
Good morning. We are looking forward to another day of fantastic learning.
Daily Outlines for Tadpoles and Caterpillars
Additional Guidance
Wednesday 20th January
Good morning and happy Wednesday to our super learners in Caterpillar and Tadpole class!
Earlier on in the week, we gave you a link to Exeter City All Stars and their activities to help keep us healthy, active and concentrating the best we can. Today, Miss Gibbs (our Physical Education subject lead) has shared information about Devon Virtual Games and Dan the Skipping Man who are offering up to 2 free skipping ropes, per family, for anyone who enters. The event doesn't start until 1st Feb however to receive your skipping ropes, you will need to express interest using the link below:
Daily Outlines for Tadpoles and Caterpillars
Additional Guidance
Tuesday 18th January
Good morning Caterpillars and Tadpoles. We have some exciting activities for you - have a fabulous day of learning!
As part of the daily 2 o'clock Activity Menu, your child is given time to read their allocated Bug Club book following their Reading and Catch Up sessions. Giving your child time to read their Bug Club books is a great opportunity for them to practise their skills and to share their phonic successes with you. Your child's log in details can be found in the inside of their Reading Logs. Information on Bug Club can be found by scrolling down this page.
Daily Outline for Caterpillars and Tadpoles
Additional Guidance
Monday 18th January
Morning and welcome to a new week of learning. We are excited to share that Exeter City Primary Stars have produced a Physical Education for us to participate in. The film is around 20 minutes long. you can complete the whole session at once or use it a short section at a time to help with movement breaks if it becomes a little tricky to concentrate. Please click the link below:
Live session information:
Please note that guidance across our academy trust has changed meaning that we no longer need to record the live sessions you have with your child's teacher. If your child is participating in small group or individual live sessions, these will still be recorded. Any sessions recorded prior to this change in guidance will still be securely stored for the correct amount of time before being deleted
Daily Outlines for Caterpillars and Tadpoles
Additional Guidance
Friday 15th January
Good morning and welcome to Friday's home learning. We have been introducing 3D shapes this week and used actions to remind children. As a reminder:
3D shapes name
Cube- pretend to roll a dice and say “cube”
Cone- pretend to lick an ice-cream and say “cone”
Cuboid- pretend to sneeze and say “cuboid”
Sphere- pretend to bounce a ball on the ground and say “sphere”
Square based pyramid- pretend to walk like Egyptian (move with your arms up, hands curved and fingers pointing straight) saying “square based pyramid”
Daily Outline for Caterpillars and Tadpoles
Additional Guidance
2 o'clock activity menu board
Continuous Resources
Thursday 14th January
Good morning and welcome to Thursdays learning tasks and activities. We are excited to have 'Move and Choose' at 9am instead of our daily welcome. Please refer to your child's class' daily outline for more information and links.
Daily Outlines
Additional Guidance
Wednesday 13th January
Good morning! To make it easier for you to plan your day, we have placed Daily Outlines on our Home Learning Page with an overview of the day's activities. Underneath we have placed resources that you will need for the day. Those resources which you may have already printed, we have placed under the Continuous Resources section. If you are choosing to print the resources, these just need to be printed once. Additional guidance will also be available for each day.
Daily Outlines
Additional Guidance
Bug Club
Bug Club resources to support your child's reading and phonics learning. The documents below are a useful reference to support you.

Bug Club Information (phonics and reading)
Tuesday 12th January 2021
Wow! Mrs Davies and Mrs Kyte have been really impressed with the children in Tadpole and Caterpillar classes. We have enjoyed looking at your 2 0'clock activities and which ones you chose to do. Here are some exciting and fun activities for today!
daily guidance
Resources for Tuesday
Monday 11th January 2021
Good morning and welcome to this week's learning.
daily guidance
Resources for Monday
Week beginning 8th June
Next week we will begin the phased return to school by welcoming the EYFS bubbles on Monday at 8.30am. Information has been send to parents regarding the new structures and procedures that form our plan to keep all members of our school community safe. If you have not received this, you will find the information on our ‘parents’ – ‘letters’ – ‘Reopening Information’ section of our school website. To prepare your child for returning to school, we have produced a superhero themed document that shows how the classrooms, corridors and outside area will look on their return. Superheroes have been chosen as we are going to spend time helping your child with this transition by positively sharing thoughts and ideas about how themselves are ‘Healthy Superheroes’ by adjusting to our new routines.
We appreciate that due to a variety of reasons some children will remain as Home Learners. As Mrs Davies and Mrs Kyte will now be teaching, your child will move from home learning being posted on our website to using the link below for their learning provision. EYFS and Year 1 work will be available from Monday 8th June. More detail on this will be posted on the Home Learning Page on the First Federation Trust before Monday.
Welcome to this week’s Home Learning
We hope you had a fabulous half term and enjoyed the sunny, warm weather. Maybe you were splashing around in a paddling pool or enjoying a walk when it started to cool down. It has been very hot so we hope you were drinking lots and remembered your sun cream. Mrs Davies and Mrs Kyte have planned some great activities for you to practise your reading, writing and maths. Throughout this week, our curriculum learning will focus on recycling, reducing and reusing.
Friday 5th June EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum Learning
Friday 5th June EYFS Home Learning
Friday 5th June Year 1 Home Learning
Thursday 4th June EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum Learning
Thursday 4th June EYFS Home Learning
Thursday 4th June Year 1 Home Learning
Wednesday 3rd June EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum Learning
Wednesday 3rd June EYFS Home Learning
Wednesday 3rd June Year 1 Home Learning
Tuesday 2nd June EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum Learning
Tuesday 2nd June EYFS Home Learning
Tuesday 2nd June Year 1 Home learning
Good Morning Wrens and Robins!
We hope that you have had a fabulous weekend and enjoyed the warm and sunny weather. Maybe you went riding on your bike or raced around on your scooter! Mrs Davies and Mrs Kyte have really enjoyed seeing all of the photographs they have been sent, showing the different activities that you have been enjoying.
We can't believe how much the Blue Tits in Mrs Kyte's garden have grown! Mr and Mrs Blue Tit have been extremely busy flying to find food for their chicks.

Devon Summer School Virtual Games
Active Devon and the School Games Organisers are hosting the Devon Summer School Games with a twist!
All competitions are virtual, and you can enter as many of them as you like. The competitions are suitable to do at home, in your backyard or garden. They give you the chance to virtually team up with your classmates, represent your school and compete against other children from across Devon!
Miss Gibbs has placed more information about these exciting events within the PE page under the Home Learning class crayon icons.
Friday 22nd May EYFS and Year 1 Home Learning
Friday 22nd May EYFS Home Learning
Friday 22nd May Year 1 Home Learning
Thursday 21st May EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum Learning
Thursday 21st May EYFS Home Learning
Thursday 21st May Year 1 Home Learning
Wednesday 20th May EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum Learning
Wednesday 20th May EYFS Home Learning
Wednesday 20th May Year 1 Home Learning
Tuesday 19th May EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum Learning
Tuesday 19th May EYFS Home Learning
Tuesday 19th May Year 1 Home Learning
Monday 18th May EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum Learning
Monday 18th May EYFS Home Learning
Monday 18th May Year 1 Home Learning
Welcome to another week of wonderful learning!
The top 50 stories in each age group in the BBC2's 500 word competition have been recorded and can be listened to using the link above. This could be an excellent way to share a story before bedtime or during a little bit of quiet time during the day. I wonder which will be your favourite?
What has Mrs Kyte and Mrs Davies been doing?
Mrs Kyte and Mrs Davies enjoy learning about all the fantastic activities that you are doing at home and seeing your wonderful photographs so they thought they would share some photographs with their Wren and Robin friends.
Friday 15th May EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum Learning
Friday 15th May EYFS Home Learning
Friday 15th May Year 1 Home Learning
Thursday 14th May EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum
Thursday 14th May EYFS Home Learning
Thursday 14th May Year 1 Home Learning
Wednesday 13th May EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum Learning
Wednesday 13th May EYFS Home Learning
Wednesday 13th May Year 1 Home Learning
Tuesday 12th May EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum Learning
Tuesday 12th May EYFS Home Learning
Tuesday 12th May Year 1 Home Learning
Monday 11th May Year 1 and EYFS Curriculum Learning
Monday 11th May EYFS Home Learning
Monday 11th May Year 1 Home Learning
Good Morning Wrens and Robins!
Mrs Davies and Mrs Kyte have been amazed by the brilliant learning activities that you have been participating in. Not only have we received photographs of the Home Learning tasks we have set but also your grown ups have created some wonderful activities for you to do.
We appreciate how tricky it is to balance working from home, coping with these unusual times as well as supporting your child's learning so we would just like to say that you are doing an amazing job and . . .

Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Blue Tit
There was a buzz of excitement in the Kyte household (and garden) on Friday when the eggs in the bird box started hatching. Mrs Kyte excitedly let Mrs Davies and Mrs Hillson know! There were 2 chicks on Friday and now all 11 eggs have hatched. The chicks' mummy and daddy have been extremely busy gathering food and feeding them over the weekend. Take a look at the chicks. Are they how you expected them to look? How do you think the adult Blue Tits are feeling?
We can't wait to see how they grow and change.

Thursday 7th May EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum
Thursday 7th May EYFS Home Learning
Thursday 7th May Year 1 Home Learning
Wednesday 6th May Curriculum Learning
Wednesday 6th May EYFS Home Learning
Wednesday 6th May Year 1 Home Learning
Tuesday 5th May EYFS and Year 1 curriculum
Tuesday 5th May EYFS Home Learning
Tuesday 5th May Year 1 Home Learning
Monday 4th May EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum
Monday 4th May EYFS Home Learning
Monday 4th May Year 1 Home Learning
Good Morning Wrens and Robins!
Wow! We have been really impressed with all your fabulous home learning. The sculptures that you have been making by putting together different objects and changing the shape of materials have been really imaginative. It has been wonderful to hear that you have enjoyed learning about the work of David Kemp and And Goldsworthy. We can't wait to see the sculptures that you create this week so please send photographs of them to Mrs Kyte and Mrs Davies.
Orchard Lea Paintings and Drawings

Mrs Kyte and Mrs Davies have printed the pictures for our friends at Orchard Lea and we have heard that they were really pleased to receive them. We made sure that each resident was able to have one in their room to enjoy. Please keep sending us your artwork and other drawings and painting because they do like receiving them.
Our Blue Tit Family
We were very excited to learn that the Blue Tit in Mrs Kyte's garden had laid 11 eggs. As you were all very excited to learn about David Attenborough and the natural world, we thought you may want to see how they are doing and maybe we might be luckily enough to see them hatch.

Friday 1st May EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum
Friday 1st May EYFS Home Learning
Friday 1st May Year 1 Home Learning
Thursday 30th April EYFS and Year 1 curriculum
Thursday 30th April EYFS Home Learning
Thursday 30th April Year 1 Home Learning
Wednesday 29th April EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum
Wednesday 29th April EYFS Home Learning
Wednesday 29th April Year 1 Home Learning
Tuesday 28th April EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum
Tuesday 28th April Year 1 Home Learning
Tuesday 28th April EYFS Home Learning
Monday 27th April EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum
Monday 27th April EYFS Home Learning
Monday 27th April Year 1 Home Learning
Welcome to another wonderful week of learning
Mrs Kyte and Mrs Davies are looking forward to the fabulous pictures and photographs that they will be sent this week. We are so very proud of the learning and activities that you have been doing at home with the help of your grown ups. From Monday 20th April, all children in Wren and Robin classes will be able to log in to Bug Club and access the resources that your teacher has allocated you.

Keeping Active
Miss Gibbs has kindly given us a variety of activity ideas and website links to help us to keep active. They are aimed at all year groups so please choose those appropriate for your child. Have a go yourself and choose a challenge for those in your household to complete. Take a look at the document below and have fun!
Friday 24th April EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum
Friday 24th April EYFS Home Learning
Friday 24th April Year 1 Home Learning
Thursday 23rd April EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum
Thursday 23rd April EYFS Home Learning
Thursday 23rd April Year 1 Home Learning
Wednesday 22nd April EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum
Wednesday 22nd April EYFS Home Learning
Wednesday 22nd April Year 1 Home Learning
Tuesday 21st April EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum
Tuesday 21st April EYFS Home Learning
Tuesday 21st April Year 1 Home Learning
Monday 20th April Curriculum Learning EYFS and Year 1
Monday 20th April EYFS Home Learning
Monday 20th April Year 1 Home Learning
Summer Term 2020
Welcome back after the Easter break. We have had some brilliantly sunny weather and we hope that you managed to spend time in the garden, on your balcony or outside during your daily exercise. We have enjoyed finding out about what you have been doing and knowing that you are all well and safe.
Foundation Stage Bug Club
We have some exciting news! Starting from Monday 20th April we will be able to allocate reading books to all Foundation Stage children. These books will be linked to your child's phonics learning and so they will be able segment (identify the phonemes in the words) and blend them (put the phonemes together so that they can read the word). It is important that your child's reading experience is a positive one and so work together and keep sound talking the phonemes so that they will be able to recall the phonemes in order and then to read successfully. The more confident they feel about 'having a go', the more successful readers they will become over time.
To read your child's phonics book online, you will need to contact your child's teacher by email and they will be able to send you their log in details. Once you have these details, use the link below to get started.
Orchard Lea
During the Easter Break we have been in contact with the staff and residents at Orchard Lea. They were very pleased to hear from us and it really cheered them up. We would like to invite the children in Wren and Robin classes to draw cheerful pictures that we can then email to them. If your child would like to draw a picture, please send a photograph or scan it to Mrs Kyte's email address and she will collect them to send on.
Friday 17th April EYFS and Year 1 curriculum
Friday 17th April EYFS Home Learning
Friday 17th April Year 1 Home Learning
Thursday EYFS and Year 1 curriculum
Thursday 16th April EYFS Home Learning
Thursday 16th April Year 1 Home Learning
Wednesday 15th April EYFS and Year 1 Curriculum
Wednesday 15th April EYFS Home Learning
Wednesday 15th April Year 1 Home Learning
EYFS AND YEAR 1 curriculum home learning
Tuesday 14th April EYFS home learning
Tuesday 14th April Year 1 Home Learning
Good Morning!
Following from questions that we have had from parents, we would like to share some information about 'tricky words' and reading.
What are ‘Tricky Words’?
Tricky words are ‘tricky’ because they are spelt using sounds or spelling choices that your child has not been taught yet. For example, those children who are working within Phase 2 would be taught the letter ‘o’ in octopus makes an /o/ sound. They would not be able to read the word ‘to’ correctly because the letter ‘o’ in this word generates a different sound. It makes the /oo/ sound like in moon. Another example would be the tricky word ‘they’. During Phase 3 phonics work, children are taught that the /ai/ phoneme is spelt with ‘ai’ as in rain. In the word ‘they’ the /ai/ sound is spelt with a different spelling choice (ey). Therefore, your child will find decoding these words challenging.

How should I help my child learn ‘tricky words’?
A tricky word can be made more familiar if your child adds a visual clue to the word that will help them. For example:

Developing automaticity of reading the ‘tricky words’ can be achieved by playing snap and when the words match, shout out the word (instead of “snap”). The words could also be written in different colours and handwriting styles (not capitals) on cards and your child could sort them.
Please read Friday’s newsletter for further ideas for games involving ‘tricky words’
Decoding when reading . . .
Uses letter-sound correspondences (matching the sounds with the letters that they make) is a strategy for spelling and reading words. The sound mat document posted 24.03.2020 can be used to support children with new letter-sound correspondences or ones that they have forgotten. Through ‘sound talking’ words: r-ai-n : “rain” or h-a-t: “hat”, children do begin to become more familiar with words and spelling choices. This may mean that with practise, your child’s reading becomes more fluent and they ‘sound talk’ less. Reading does take time and so take your child’s lead of which stage of development that they are at
Friday 27th March
Thursday 26th March
Good Morning Wrens and Robins. It has been lovely to hear and see the wonderful learning that you have been doing. Thank you to your wonderful grown ups at home who have been doing a splendid job. It is great that the sun has come out and we hope that you have managed to go for a walk, run or cycle.
Well done everyone!
Thursday 26th March
Wednesday 25th March
Good Morning Wrens and Robins. It has been lovely hearing about how your home learning is going as well as the other activities that you have been up to.
Wednesday 25th March
Good morning Robins and Wrens.
Thank you for photographs of your amazing learning. There are some fabulous ideas on how to adapt activities which we will be sharing with you shortly.
Tuesday 24th March 2020
Good morning Wrens and Robins,
We hope you have had a lovely weekend and are looking forward to a fabulous day of learning. Mrs Davies and Mrs Kyte can't wait to see the fabulous things that you have been doing.